My thriller opening begins with a slow shot of a record player emitting the soundtrack. In this shot we also began the opening credits. With both the sudden soundtrack entrance and establishing text it makes a good first shot because it entices audiences right from the start. The first shot attracts our audience because the soundtrack jumps in unexpectedly as the needle hits the vinyl, the soundtrack can be described as epic and when listening you begin to wonder what could possibly follow.
Following the record player is a low angle of our main protagonists shoe. This character establishing shot creates enigma toward the character Eve because at first you see noting more than her boot. Audiences would also find this shot attractive because they would be wondering why she is running and what she is running from.
The use of mise en scene during the flashback sequence would attract audiences because the setting is creepy and enigmatic. Not much about the location is revealed and this would make audiences on the edge of their seat as they'd be worried for Eve.
The main thing that would make audiences want to view the rest of our film however would be the chase sequence, it was shot with ambient lighting and non diagetic sound making it very manic. Audiences would want to see the complete production because Eve (who is seen throughout the whole production) becomes relatable to viewers, and at the end of the production she becomes in danger. The final setting has a strong sense of isolation like the causeway from Essex Boys. The mise en scene in the barn creates a real aura of panic and solitude. As well as this, the final shot is filmed from Eve own perspective, we see her confronting the camera, filming her last words. This use of first person narrative addresses audiences specifically, therefor making viewers feel for her even more.
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