Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Student Questionnaire

I am either called Toby or Tobias Jones by classmates and I achieved C grade and above for all my GCSE subjects. My hobbies include drawing, skateboarding  and music. Lots and lots of music. In media I am particularly interested in CGI within film. For example when an actor interacts with a computer generated model (if any) I am always looking at the techniques and methods of making the scene look as real as possible. I sometimes come across articles like this if an magazines such as THE EMPIRE but mainly I read graphic art portfolios for films. My favourites are probably the Art of STARWARS, volumes 1 and 2.

Music is a big part of my life. Every morning my alarm goes off and automatically plays Annie Mac on Radio 1. I find drum and bass helps me to get up and get moving in the morning! My favourite genres of music would be hard to decipher as my iTunes consists of every genre imaginable, I even have some film scores from The Lord of the Rings (this is very inspiring music). Furthermore my favourites seem to change daily, walking to CnS in the morning would not be possible without headphones, and I notice that I never seem to play the same artist two mornings in a row. However I can say that in the last two years of my life the small portion of my personality that preferred Rock / Classic Rock has now evolved and grown into a very big part of my personality, now focussing on Hard Rock / Punk Rock and Scream. Despite bands like; Basement, Bring me the Horizon, While she Sleeps, Enter Shikari and We Came From Wolves are up in my top 10 for most listened to; I cant help but neglect my old Dub roots. I doubt I could make it through the day without listening to some kind of electronic music; whether its DaftPunk, Nero or TheUpbeats..
I find pirating music is very very common amongst teenagers especially. However you cant blame society for committing a crime that is so easily done. I must admit that if I know a band does not need any support in its career then I don't think twice about illegally downloading their tracks. But on the other hand, I listen to a lot of rare musicians that only bring out EP's. I always purchase these if I'm a fan as I know its a struggle to get into the music industry.
I do believe that music affects everyone in ways that aren't clear. I also believe that the type of music you listen to represents your personality, hence this is why people dress a certain way and are automatically classed as (for an example) 'Metalheads'. Because music reflects our personality, and therefore music reflects the way we dress. 

There is one thing missing from my room... A games console. I don't actually own any software that allows me to play video games (besides a laptop)! Before I got into skateboarding playing games on-line was the only thing I lived for. I had both Xbox and PlayStation and always went out to buy the latest game. A lot of the time I noticed negative effects of gaming, I stopped doing homework, had bad sleep and didnt eat properly! A lot of these symptoms built up until one day I decided to actually go outside. It just happens that on that day a friend of mine taught me to stand on a skateboard. By the end of the week I had sold both my consoles and bought a board of my own. BEST DECISION EVER.

So I love the internet. There, I said it. Without the web I would not know what's going on in the world. Whether its via YouTube or Twitter, all news is passed on to me through some kind of website.

I do not watch any TV! This shocks a lot of people but I genuinely have no interest in any channels or any programmes. 

In my free time I like to watch a lot of films. My favourites are probably PulpFiction, Men In Black or The Hobbit. However I am also a huge fan of TheLord of the Rings and STARWARS. If I had to pick a favourite genre i'd probably say sci-fi adventure, or something along those lines. I think eater eggs in film sagas is the best thing about any film in general, this is why PROMETHEUS is a very very good film to me.

I have made a lot of films on Youtube in my childhood, these mainly consisted of animated movies involving slapstick humour or fight scenes. I became relatively well praised and gained 500+ subscribers from my short films. I also met someone from America who used the same animation software as I did to make movies. One day we actually collaborated over skype and produced a fight sequence together! I still talk to Sean today, three years later.

1 comment:

  1. An engaging response to the questionnaire but you haven't completed it, for example you've left out the very important conclusion. Could you please add this section in another post without delay.

    I'm pleased you've uploaded some skate board video footage, is it your filming? In order the make the most of doing your coursework electronically you need to upload either screen shots or other images and videos in order to make your blog interesting and informative whilst indicating you know how to manage these techniques.
