Sunday, 29 September 2013

Camera Training!

Extreme close up
(shows expression and focusses
significant details)
Birds eye view
(gives the audience a different
view of the action)

Over the shoulder
(places the audience in position
of the character)

Medium shot
(brings in focus to characters)

Long shot
(establishes where the characters
Low angle
(low angles show power/status
and menace)

(tilting the camera adds confusion and
High angle
(shooting from above gives a sense of isignificance
and vulnerability)


  1. Very good photographs but you need to include the purpose of the shots in the captions. This is very important. All tasks must include an explanation. Could you please add to your captions.
    Thank you Tobias.

  2. You have still not uploaded the summer task which was due for submission 2 weeks ago. Could you please post this onto your blog by midday Wed 9 October. This task is a requirement of the course and goes towards your final assessment whilst also indicating commitment!

  3. Well done for adding the purpose of the shots, you still need to complete your questionnaire.
