Friday, 4 October 2013

Student Questionnaire Evaluation!

As a bit of a history geek, I would say that films about Nazi Germany probably interest me the most. I studied history at GCSE and during the course we explored the Holocaust and got to view several films about the context. These films were; Schlinders List, The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, Band of Brothers and Rise of Evil. The way the directors captured the torment and evil that was happening during the Nazi Germany reign really inspires me. Inspires me that film is powerful and can really have a huge impact on people as well send powerful messages. It is likely that these films about the Holocaust are the ones that have altered my attitude more than anything, it certainly made me interested in History anyway.. 
Watching films and reading texts about the Nazi's made me think about humans in general as a race, and how looking at the way the third Reich came to be is just like looking at a group of animals. Its hard to explain myself but I just find a sense of enjoyment when looking at human behaviour.

On a different note if I had to construct a media text I would most likely try to send the message that winners never quit and quitters never win. I like this message because it's short, simple and true. I'd film some skateboard tricks including fails and bails until eventually something impressive was pulled off. Hence giving the message that you can't have victory without sacrifice- and that you should never give up.

I chose Media Studies as an option because I have been using film in my life since I had the ability to do so! My first experiments with camera action was when I was very young, I attempted a to make a few stop-motion animation sequences. This actually turned out to be a phase that lasted 3 or 4 years and by the end of it I had a whole hard-drive full of small animations made the same way 'Wallace and Grommit' was.
After this I moved onto digital animation, using programmes such as Flash, Pivot and various other animation studios. I did this for another 3 or 4 years and actually established a small youtube community by posting my animations online.
 A small animation I made for my subscribers for christmas!

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