Sunday, 27 October 2013

Arty fartsy

Over the halfterm I spent a lot of free time drawing. I like to take my mind off things, I don't know why it's been a doodling habit since I can remember- I find it somewhat therapeutic. All the portraits above were drawn with circles

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Prelim Task Evaluation (Q4)

What editing skills have you developed and how confident are you using the editing programme?

My previous editing experiance comes from SonyVegasPro8, which I used to use almost daily . I found that Premiere Pro was relatively similar in terms of tools and layout and therefor I did not struggle to adjust when we were given the task to edit our films. Since I had not edited in about a year or two at first I wasn't sure how to approach this task.
     Some skills I have developed are: using the transitions, cutting clips and adding in text. I need to improve my knowledge of adding in transitions and I can do this by experimenting with the settings and options available for each transition. When adding them to the film no adjustments were made and the default transitions were used instead of tweaking  options available in the seperate tab. I am confident with adding text and navigating the timeline as I had practice with this, and its generally the same for every editing programme. I lack confidence with changing the way the clips actually look. For example changing the footage to greyscale. I need to improve my basic editing knowledge and practice how to tweak transitions so they fit nicely.

Blogger IPhone App

Currently I am sitting on a road curb using my blogger app for the first time! 
I downloaded blogger on my phone because I can easily check for comments whilst I'm out and about or don't have access to a computer

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Preliminary Task Storyboards

Prelim Task Evaluation (Q3)

What shot types and camera angles did you use and to what extent?

For the introduction of the preliminary task we took a close up shot to start off the film with suspense and keep the audience wondering right from the start. Next the birds eye view reveals who the main character is and the location he is in. Followed by the pan, all the repeated shots of the same person tell the audience that this character is important. The pan was used to show the important transition right at the start of the film, from casual to 'oh my god i'm late'. We thought it was key to include this because the film is only short so if the transition was in anyway unclear, audiences could have found it misleading or confusing. A disorientated audience is the result of bad filming and confusing screenplay. 

     Our Panning shot sets out the location of the introduction despite also being the transition shot to the next location. It worked well with myself running across screen as the timing is just right. We wanted to include a running scene of some kind to indicate how much of a rush the character is now in. And having it just after the calm and casual introduction lays out a strong contrast so it adds to the urgency effect. The next shot (a close up) shows the anger of the character. His clenched hand grasps the door handle and it captured on camera very successfully, the shot is so fast and smooth it really shows how urgent it is meant to feel. Also a tiny camera shake is caused by the force of my hand reaching the door, this adds to the aggression of the shot. The birds eye view shot the follows was very difficult to film and looks very adventurous in the final cut. However it shows skilful filming as well as reveal the location that has just been entered. The final shot before the conversation was done to build tension and prepare audiences for whats next. The over the shoulder shot took several attempts to film but on the last take we got it perfect and the camera really shows some emotion when entering the classroom. Perhaps the shakiness and unease of the filming adds to the effect.
     For the conversation we used a lot of close ups and medium shots as well as a one or two extreme close ups. With the camera so close to the face it captures all the emotion and emphasizes what the character is feeling. Also close ups add to the tension and unease in the classroom, the repetition makes the conversation feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic. Before the convo actually starts we used a birds eye view shot to set out the scene beforehand. The tracking shot that rounds of the conversation was done to show a rush and urgency, with slight camera shakes to add aggression. Lastly our concluding shot was a worms eye view shot, done right at the end to give a good finish to our task, as well as portray the importance of the character in the shot.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Prelim Task Evaluation (Q2)

What is the 180 degree rule, and how is it important to the filming task?

The 180° rule is a cinematography guideline that states that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another . When the camera passes over the invisible axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line and the shot becomes what is called a reverse angle. Reversing the angle is commonly thought to be disorienting and can distract the audience from the intent of the scene. The 180 degree rule is not a law, many notable film makers intentionally cross the line to achieve a desired effect that might support the stories narrative.
          We had to follow this rule when filming our conversation, we made sure that we kept to it by using a line on one side of the tables were our location was. We did not brake the rule as its important for audiences to keep their interest on the screen, and if the screenplay confuses and disorientates viewers then the film can get bad vibes.

Prelim Task Evaluation (Q1)

What planning did you do? How was this helpful and did you change your planning?

The first thing our group decided was who was filming and who was going to be filmed. As our task was to create a short conversation including tension we knew using only two actors was the best decision. In the end it was decided that myself and Luke, were to be in it (using myself as the 'main character'). Secondly, we set out a general storyboard with a full shot list and camera angles specifically outlined so we knew exactly what and where we needed to film so we had maximam time editing when using minimum to film.
              Starting with a low close up first, we filmed myself walking across the shot. We only captured one of my shoes stepping into the centre and then leaving. This was exactly what we were after. This was followed by a birds eye when I walk through the gate - we did a birds eye shot at the start because it set out the location and outlined who the character is. Thirdly an upwards pan of my figure was filmed, During this I had to do my first piece of acting - It was simple: I had to pull out my phone and check the time, indicating I was late. This shot was specifically important because it enables the transition from walking in casual, to running to the cafe in a rush. It took a series of attempts before we got the timing exactly how we wanted it. Eventually, we got it. As the camera pans up it captures my phone emerging from my pocket and my facial expression as I realise how late I am.
               Next we filmed a tracking shot. We planned this for after I check the time so that our film contained a shot of someone running a long distance (this shows how late they are). The distance was from the school gate to the cafe,(which wasn't visible in the shot) however the tracking shot turned out nice. I run across the road delibarately ignoring the zebra crossing as planned and round the corner of the school building. Everyone in our group agreed that the shot was good so we moved location to the cafe were our next set of shots took place.
                We planned to have a quick shot of the cafe door opening with the character walking through it to show the location transition. To do this filmed my hand grasping the handle and thrusting the door open still capturing the rush and hurry my character was supposed to be in. However one shot we did not plan but we still included was a birds eyes view. It was of my figure walking into the cafe, the shot captured the door opening and my body walking in just how we expected - in fact it turned out better than expected. Looking back at the finished edit I would use this isntead of the door handle shot, as it seems unnecessary with the birds eye. However we used both. Whilst in the cafe we experimented with other shots along the corridor. On the other hand we wasted a lot of time doing this because none of these were used in the final film. To show the entrance to the classroom, (and the start of the conversation) we filmed an over the shoulder shot of the classroom door being opened and entered. This only took three attempts to actually film and turned out very successfully. After this we thought about having a transition to show the conversation actually beginning, so we agreed to quickly film a close up of the chair being pulled out to sit on- again I thought this shot was very unnecessary however it looked good because it generated tension and acted as a mini build up.
                 This is the part in the film where Luke first appears. After a side profile of my first lesson, we used the same shot to film his first line. Then did an opposite shoulder of me, then the same again for the last line, for my reaction we filmed a fifth over the shoulder. My reaction could of been slightly over the top, however I wanted the film to really show how much my character was rushing and how much of a dissapointment it was to him when his friend tells him that he has failed to being in his coursework (due in that day.) Something we didnt plan but actually added a great deal of emotion to the shot was actually an accident. The chair I was sat on flied out from underneath me as I get up in anger and it makes a loud noise crashing into a cabinet behind it. At first our conversation was in shambles, the first couple of takes where cut within a few seconds because Luke and I did not plan our lines out, after a few attempts to improvise we agreed that planning and thinking (in every shot) should be a necessity to create a good film. We stopped filming and thought of what we were going to say then practised our lines before filming again. Alas we managed to get our lines right first time each time after we planned it out, very helpful. We used opposite shoulder shots and side profiles because we wanted the conversation to be: quick, concise and direct - straight to the point and short. The final shot we planned was a tracking shot of myself exiting the room. However it wasn't quite the conclusion we were after. In the end we decided that a worms eye view was the best option to show the end of our short film. The camera captured the bottom right of the classroom door so it showed my figure walking out and off screen.
Overall the planning was very important, it allowed us to quickly go to our locations and film what we wanted meaning that we had extra time to film what we wanted to add in. In the end we kept all of our originally planned shots and added three extras in. Continuity was never a problem when we looked at the editing. The filmers asked Luke and I to wear all the same clothes even my belt on the days we were filming.

Monday, 14 October 2013

A Summer Project

I produced my summer project on
two pieces of A3 paper, at the time
I did not have access to many
digital devices (or at least none that
I wanted to do this bit of work on).
I did similarities on one page and then difference on the other. When comparing LA Noire and Casino Royale I noticed that they are more different than they are alike. For example Casino Royale is very dark and mysterious with quick thrilling action - containing a lot of shots keeping you intrigued as well as confused. On the other hand, LA Noire focussed a lot on panning as well as tracking shots of landscapes.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Student Questionnaire Evaluation!

As a bit of a history geek, I would say that films about Nazi Germany probably interest me the most. I studied history at GCSE and during the course we explored the Holocaust and got to view several films about the context. These films were; Schlinders List, The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, Band of Brothers and Rise of Evil. The way the directors captured the torment and evil that was happening during the Nazi Germany reign really inspires me. Inspires me that film is powerful and can really have a huge impact on people as well send powerful messages. It is likely that these films about the Holocaust are the ones that have altered my attitude more than anything, it certainly made me interested in History anyway.. 
Watching films and reading texts about the Nazi's made me think about humans in general as a race, and how looking at the way the third Reich came to be is just like looking at a group of animals. Its hard to explain myself but I just find a sense of enjoyment when looking at human behaviour.

On a different note if I had to construct a media text I would most likely try to send the message that winners never quit and quitters never win. I like this message because it's short, simple and true. I'd film some skateboard tricks including fails and bails until eventually something impressive was pulled off. Hence giving the message that you can't have victory without sacrifice- and that you should never give up.

I chose Media Studies as an option because I have been using film in my life since I had the ability to do so! My first experiments with camera action was when I was very young, I attempted a to make a few stop-motion animation sequences. This actually turned out to be a phase that lasted 3 or 4 years and by the end of it I had a whole hard-drive full of small animations made the same way 'Wallace and Grommit' was.
After this I moved onto digital animation, using programmes such as Flash, Pivot and various other animation studios. I did this for another 3 or 4 years and actually established a small youtube community by posting my animations online.
 A small animation I made for my subscribers for christmas!