Thursday, 19 December 2013

Third Draft Of Thriller Planning (With Costume Design)

After realising that our plot was going to be too complex to make in a two minute film, we scaled down our ideas untill we had a relatively simple storyline involving a crime commited by the main character.
We have decided to have our main character (known as Eve) steal something from an already burnt down house and then have her chased/followed/hunted down by two hitmen. If we have enough time in the film left we are going to shoot a few shots that imply it was Eve who burnt down the house in the first place in order to steal her chosen item.
The film will cut after the two minutes when the Hitmen finally reach her, where she is trapped. Before any action takes place- we thought this would be a good cliff hanger.
Specific Details
.Eve playing with a lighter in some shots (indicates mania and pyromania).
.The hitmen spinning their weapons round in a proffesional fashion  (indicated terror).
.A scream after cutting to black at the end of the film (a soundbridge that acts as a cliffhanger).

.Using her bright red hair to show she is the target, and that she likes fire.
.All black clothing to contrast the hair
.Leather Jacket as it relates to Jason Locke (Essex Boys).

.A gasmask to cover up their identity and create terror like in Dead Mans Shoes.
.Full suits with black ties (relating to Jules + Vincent from Pulp Fiction).
.Trainers because we want someway of showing the hitmen are not complete proffesionals.
the gas mask we have ordered for our film


1 comment:

  1. I suggest you use the location of the burnt down house, this will be effective in establishing suspense. Rather than try to include the idea that the girl caused the fire (difficult to achieve in 2 minutes) I suggest she has hidden something there. Perhaps a passport or something which she desperately needs. Perhaps her boyfriend is possessive, you could indicate this in flashbacks with him locking a front door and not letting her out, thus she needs to make an escape.

    As she picks up the passport or travel tickets from the rubble a hand with a leather glove grabs her....think of Ordell Robbie's leather gloves which he puts on before he murders Beaumont in Jackie Brown.
