Keeping all characters the same, our main girl (named Eve) will be introduced as she is running away across a dyke (long shot). To introduce Cha-Cha and Hazel (the hitmen) we cut to a low angle shot of them preparing to go on the move, for example tying up shoe laces and buttoning up coats. We decided to have Eve introduced as she is running away from something as it generates suspense, and then to have the hitmen preparing to leave because it shows they are after her, but infers she has already done something guilt worthy.
Next, the location skips to the inside of a building, where we shoot a closeup of a record player emitting classical music to add tension. Eve enters a room where a box is sitting idle, she takes something from it which is not revealed to the audience deliberately. After exiting the location is revealed to the audience as a burnt down house. This is where Eve meets Cha-Cha and Hazel and a chase scene commences.
Eve is followed to an empty barn which is where the film ends, she enters it in complete disarray at being found and caught. The final shot will be of Eve in the barn alone, talking to herself as though she has gone slighty mad before the screen cuts to black. Our cliffhanger is then 'does Eve survive? Do the hitmen get her?'
Your shot list is now less confusing - I suggest during the edit you cut from Eve running across the dyke to the two hit men preparing to leave. Try to avoid complicated action that could confuse the audience. A splendid use of locations.
ReplyDeleteCould you please file under G321 Planning.
You also need to post your story boards, location shots, costume design etc onto your blog without delay. If you have any issues around this let me know.