Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Evaluation of Thriller Opening, Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

As a nitty gritty thriller opening, with slight hints of comedy, I think our thriller would attract audiences that are slightly older than early teens. The opening is relatively difficult to understand and full attention needs to be paid to the screen in order to follow it. Therefor I think adults would be more suitable than children. However the comedy aspect that is mainly applied by Cha-Cha and Hazel would without doubt appeal to teenagers, as the characters are relatable to youth with their trainers and beanies. However I think adults would also appreciate the characters and their aims as well, because of the suits they wear. I think the aims of the two hitmen are not very straight forward and the fact that they are hunting down a female character could put off teenage girls, or perhaps it could intice them because she is the lead - none the less adults would find it more interesting as it challenges stereotypes that the female lead is under pressure to survive.
Our film was shot with areas of black and white in it, this would attract audiences that like traditional thriller noir. Mainly being older generations, as the time when noir was at its peak was around the 1930's. Film Noir came about due to great depression in America in 1933 because of the Wall Street Crash, the depression lead to a time of despair and pessimism - leading to black and white thriller films. The second world war followed and America began to emit more and more classic thriller films. Thriller Noir soon became an extremely appealing Genre to Americans, with prime examples like The Maltese Falcon (1941).
 However modern adaptations of noir can be found, and amongst them is Casino Royale (which I think our film resembles on some level). Adding to this, it is possible that people of the age of 20 or 30 would enjoy our product because the latest James Bond films are relatively new and include large amounts of action just like our film does.
The setting of our film is in natural urban areas, and could attract local audiences who like to see Britain on set. Kings Lynn is a historical location and there are many opportunities for great settings in films there - this could attract an audience of people who are relieved that Kings Lynn is finally being taken advantage of for its classic Thriller Locations. Such as the Dyke we included, but as well as this we discovered many isolated valleys and rivers with lakes also.
The film has a chase scene in it, and this is the main point in our film where it hits the peak (in the opening at least). Therefor I think that audiences who mainly like films that give an adrenaline rush would view it, the chase is fast paced and comes across as a rush and audiences who like films such as Essex Boys, Kill Bill or The Matrix would probably also enjoy our film as well. Audiences that like films which generate tension and suspense may not enjoy my thriller opening as much because it doesn't relate too much to films such as Heavenly Creatures or Jackie Brown. Adolescent Males would mainly like our opening because it is fast paced and action packed which appeals to the nature of modern day youth. Females on the other hand would be hardy to attract. We have a female lead however she is conveyed in desperation which some female audiences may not enjoy or appreciate, on the other hand however - the fact a female lead was used could attrack female audiences simply because she is the lead in the first place. As an ethnocentric film, it is likely we would conduct ethnocentric audiences, mainly being British as our film is solely made by and made in England.


  1. A bit all over the place and reflecting basic understanding of audience profiling and genre.

    1) You say older generations, as the time when noir was at its peak was back in the 80's and 90's.............. This is inaccurate. I suggest you Google "the golden age of film noir" and explain this in your answer. Don't guess, do some research. To find this information it took me about 3 minutes ............"The darkness of noir style films reflected the disenchantment of the times. Pessimism and disillusionment became increasingly present in the American psyche during the Great Depression of the 1930s and the world war that followed...!!! Hardly the 1980's! Could you revise.

    2) You need to be specific about the demographic of your potential target audience.
    Age:........usually appeals to the age demographic of the characters in the film
    Gender: Possible adolescent males and females, males because.............. females because
    Ethnicity of your potential audience: Again white British because......

    What about local audiences? Your film was filmed in West Norfolk thus it would appeal to local film buffs who are not only interested in noir thrillers but also in the representation of Norfolk on film. But your primary audience would be the same demographic that is represented on the screen.

  2. Well done for doing some research into film noir. The revisions you've made have strengthened your response to Level 3 because it reflects proficient understanding of audience whilst effectively providing examples from your production to illustrate your points.
