Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Evaluation of Thriller Opening, Question Six

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Research and Planning:
Research into the thriller genre mainly took place in class. However I did some of my own case studies, including looking at how thriller aspects were applied in Marvel Avengers. It was difficult at first to look at conventions in this film because they were only applied to one scene in the entirety of the production. However using youtube and adobe premiere I was able to download a portion of the film and edit it down so it was easily replayable at the specific scene I was looking at.
Planning for our thriller was all done by hand, no technologies were used other than when I scanned in my storyboards. For the preliminary task I took photos of each storyboard and was able to upload them to blogger using my email. However for the thriller I used a scanner to import them directly to my pc at 300dpi. I decided to do this because I noticed in my first storyboards that they were slightly unfocussed and specific details and notes were lost. Therefor, as I had some important notes about location and actions during each shot I decided to take a different approach in uploading my shot lists.
Shoot and Edit:
The shoot for our preliminary task took longer than expected because we struggled to construct the panning and tracking shots substantially. However with practice we managed to get them how we wanted, I am glad we took the extra time to do this because for the Thriller film we didnt have any time wasting with the camera work.

Windows Move Maker
Sony Vegas Pro
I learnt a lot about Premiere Pro in the edit for our preliminary task, as I have done seperate video work before I was already familiar with the timeline layout and how video editing software generally works. Before AS media studies I had used Windows Movie Maker and Sony Vegas Pro, both programms work in a very similar way to Premiere which was useful. In premiere I learnt how to unlink audio from our clips of film, which was necessary because I wanted a completely mute film other than soundtrack. Another I learnt from the use of Premiere was how handy multiple video and audio layers can be. From my previous experiences in order to add in a clip between two pre existing ones the whole film would have to be rearranged. However Premiere allows you to snap in clips and the rest of your footage will automatically fit together for you.

Recordinging Processes:
We filmed just on one day and travelled 100 miles to our location. As I had an appropriate smartphone, I decided to create a video diary whilst our thriller was in the process of being made. I wish now that I had this idea during the crafting of my Preliminary Task. I filmed a personal video every couple of ours of the day, speaking to the camera about how far we had got and if we had any inconvinences. Once the day was over I then edited these clips together by emailing them to the school email and using Premier Pro on the school system to create a short video of the whole filming day. I then uploaded this video to my personal youtube account and embedded it to my blog.


  1. A mainly satisfactory response covering the technologies you used during the planning, shoot and edit. More technical details with screen shots from Premiere Pro of what tools you used to apply specific effects, for example transitions, colour alteration, uploading the sound track of your thriller would strengthen.

  2. Could you please number your questions without delay. Thanks Tobias.
